Sunday, August 24, 2014

Friends Can Come In All Ways

Meet the Cash Family

A while back, I happened to come across a post on Facebook that Holly had posted saying she needed a photographer for a few sessions. I contacted her as soon as I saw the post, and ended up doing boudoir photos and a baby session (Aubrey is the little girl pictured) as a surprise Father's Day gift for Scott (her husband). I'm not going to lie. I was nervous. It was my first boudoir shoot. And if I did great, she wanted me to photograph her wedding as well. Needless to say, in October I will be photographing the renewal of Holly and Scott's vows! 

God really blessed me with the boudoir and baby session. Ever since that shoot, Holly and I have become friends! She understands the stuff I'm going through right now, and can definitely keep me motivated. From working out together to thrift shopping together, I know I can always count on Holly to be a great friend!

Thank you, Cash Family for letting me be a part of your lives. 

Brooke Giguere
Aim+Shoot Photography

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